Sunday, September 28, 2008


Last Wed. on our day off we drove up north to get some apples from the numerous orchards there, then decided to go on up to Sodus Bay on Lake Ontario. It was a beautiful drive and a pretty lake, so decided to share a couple of photos from there.

This is a boat yard in the city of Sodus Bay. I couldn't resist this one -- I wonder what the actual beginning price is???? (You can click on the picture to see enlargement). DUH!!!


Kristi said...

Tell Dad to buy you that little's just pocket change!! Sorry I missed you yesterday when I called, but I had a good visit with Dad! Love you, Kristi

Bea said...

What beautiful country!!!!!!!!!! I hope you bought two of those boats, one for there and one for here:o)Sounds like you are enjoying your time both on and off duty :o)

Cami said...
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Cami said...

I love reading your blog!! Tell my mom to get on the ball! J/K Thanks for the e-mail. I think I cleared things up now. Thanks for letting me know about the mix up. lol I am excited to come out with Tenessa and Jake. It will be so fun!